Donate Today
We need your help to make this amazing rock musical a reality.
Second Coming The Rock Musical is a 501C3 Non-Profit. (EIN 86-2617310)
Please click the donate button below to make a tax-deductible donation in any amount.
Your donation will be used directly for the purpose of getting Second Coming the Rock Musical produced and on stage! By clicking the donate button below you will be taken to a secure webpage on our website. There you will be able to enter your tax-deductible donation:
- You can pay using any major credit card
- You can make a one-time donation of any amount, or
- Become a regular supporter by setting up a recurring monthly donation of any size
- Make checks out to Second Coming Productions and mail them to 2016 Burson Drive; Chesapeake, VA 23323
Clicking the button below will take you to the secure website page to make your donation. Any amount helps. Thank you so much!

Thank you to these donors! Van P - Virginia, Jason Mc- Virginia, Margaret E - Virginia, Greg I - Virginia, Michael T - Virginia
Brian E - N. Carolina, Jerry D - Texas, Laura E - Virginia, Anonymous- Virginia, Sylvia B - Virginia, Ginny H - North Carolina,
Wrenn B - North Carolina